Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This didn't enlarge on the previous post so I'll try it again.

New Baby, Carolin

Sometimes it's hard to figure how to arrange everything into a smooth narative. Of course, with the blog format it is all backwards if one has not followed it post by post.
This page should probably have been grouped with the previous post.
The old back porch in the upper right, you can see how small it was, that is the railing in the lower left corner of the photo. Later it was removed and a nice deck replaced it. I liked to sit out there.

I don't know why she sent them off to San Francisco, perhaps they were having a spat.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Family of Three

This house looks very different than the one I knew. No hedge, few plants of any kind. The porch and chimney had to be removed. I'm not sure when it was done. I would guess from photos it was about 1940.

I loved to be the one to burn trash in the incinerator. A cause of air pollution it was banned. Dick seemed to think it was fun to climb on.